
My Little Pony - There is a Season - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Ponies in Peril

Smoke billowed through the trees, turning the fringes of the Everfree Forest into a nightmare realm. Dark shapes seemed to loom up in front of Boldheart, shifting and moving with each crackle and spark of flames, while branches reached out from the smoke like claws to drag him down. Still he pressed on, ferrying water back and forth in specially made saddlebags, desperate to put out the potentially deadly fire.

It was times like these that he wished for even the tiniest levitation spell from his horn, but it stubbornly refused to give off even a spark. He was on his way back to the nearby stream when his ears perked up. Rocktrotter was coming, his ears lying flat upon his head, his face half blackened by soot, and he was shouting.

"Boldheart! Domino Stack has gone missing! I think he may have gotten lost in the fire, and I can't find him!"

"What!?" Boldheart felt his stomach pitch. Even if Rocktrotter and Domino Stack had teased him before, he would never abandon them to harm. "Where did he go!?"

"He was in the thick of the inferno, using his magic to throw sand on the flames! I- I didn't see him come back out."

Dropping the firepony saddlebags, Boldheart turned and ran straight back into the smoke shrouded forest. Instinct flooded about him, trying to cloy at his senses, overwhelm him with fear, but he stubbornly advanced into the darkness and dancing flames, determined to find the missing Guard pony.

"Domino! Domino! Where are you!?" He yelled, rushing this way and that as he tried to escape the flames. Suddenly his eye caught a glimpse of black and white, moving deep within the fire's heart. Looking about, he spotted a tree ready to collapse, but who's trunk was not yet engulfed by the hungry flames.

"Look out! I'm going to make a path for you!" Boldheart shouted over the roar of the fire, trying not to choke as he lashed out. Both hind legs impacted the tree, sending it tottering, then crashing through the wall of fire. Boldheart watched for a moment, but nopony emerged.

Steeling his heart, the Guard pony hopped upon the tree, using it as a bridge to rush through the flames. He emerged from the fire, looking about for the lost unicorn, but none could be seen. Had he just imagined what he saw? Shaking his head to clear it, he was about to turn back when something constricted about his neck and body from behind.

Panic flooded Boldheart's senses as he fought for breath, thrashing his body against the unseen attacker. He twisted and writhed, but the grip grew ever tighter, squeezing every last bit of air from his lungs. In desperation, he managed to get his mouth on the offending limb that entangled his neck, biting it firmly with his heavy, flat teeth. There was a screeching yowl of pain as the limb weakened it's hold. Throwing every bit of effort into escaping, Boldheart spit soot from the bite as he freed himself from his attacker.

Breathe! Breathe! He sucked at the air greedily, but got smoke instead. Coughing and choking, Boldheart collapsed, his vision blurring. As he descended into the swirling dark smoke, he saw a black form flying skyward, leaving him trapped in a ring of fire. Unable to hold on any longer, Boldheart fell unconscious.

* * *

Rainbow Dash felt her eyes refocusing, only to snap shut as she was assaulted by a blinding light. She tried to raise a hoof to shield her eyes, only to discover that it was tied firmly to a chair she was bound to.

"Hey, let me go!" She demanded, squirming against the restraining ropes.

"You are under interrogation." Came the flat, surly voice of Sgt. Ramrod from the darkness. "State your name, rank, and registry number."

"Name, rank, and what!?" Rainbow Dash could hardly believe her ears. "This is some kind of joke, isn't it! Well it's not funny! You better let me go, or you'll be sorry!"

"State your name, rank, and registry number." The taciturn Guard pony repeated.

"Uuugh, fine." Rainbow whined, rolling her eyes. "My name's Rainbow Dash. I don't have any of that other stuff."

"Who are you working for?" Ramrod demanded.

"Working for? What the hay are you talking about?" This was all too weird. What did this lame Guard pony want with her anyway?

"We know you were spying. If you tell the truth, your punishment will be less severe."

"Punishment!?" Now Rainbow Dash was alarmed. "I haven't done anything! I don't even know what you want!"

"You were apprehended while spying on Guard ponies discussing secret operation objectives, which risked compromising the mission in question. We will not brook any more of your lies." Sgt. Ramrod's voice grew colder. "Who are you working for?"

"I'm not working for anypony! I was just wondering what that Thundercloud was up to spying on my friend!" Rainbow grew indignant, frowning at her unseen interrogator.

"A likely story, however, it doesn't account for your surveillance on Lt. Thundercloud after he left the area in question." Sgt. Ramrod's voice had gone flat again.

"I told you, I was keeping an eye on the creep after he spied on my friends!" Rainbow practically spat, her temper rising. "Now will you let me go!? I've got stuff to do!"

"You are being held as a possible spy working under Queen Chrysalis. You will be detained and interrogated until such a time that command deems you fit to return to your home."

"What!?" Rainbow Dash cried in alarm. "You can't do that to me! Let me go!"

"I am afraid that is impossible. If you resist, you will be interrogated more thoroughly. Answer the questions, and this will go more smoothly." Sgt. Ramrod's voice betrayed no feelings or intentions.

Rainbow Dash felt fear welling up inside her. Where were her friends? She needed help, but nopony was around, or was there? Fueled by desperation, she started shouting at the top of her lungs, hoping somepony would hear her.

"Help me! Somepony! Anypony! That bully Sergeant has got me tied up, an- mumph!" Her cries were cut short when something was shoved into her mouth. The light disappeared, and Rainbow could feel herself being handled by rough hooves. She struggled, kicked, and tried to beat her wings, but the strength of the unseen ponies was unyielding.

Rainbow Dash could hardly keep track of time, her struggles weakening her to exhaustion as she was blindfolded and felt herself being trussed up. The mystery ponies hoisted her up, carrying her along with them. Suddenly her ears perked up when she heard the sounds of a train nearby. She redoubled her efforts, thrashing violently against her bonds and captors, and finally managed to break away.

"I told you not to drop her!" The commanding voice of Sgt. Ramrod snarled, followed by mumbled apologies to the angry pony.

Despite winning her freedom for a moment, Rainbow found herself heaved up yet again, and carried closer to the sound of the train. Where were they taking her? Feeling weak and helpless, the rainbow maned pegasus, despite her nerve, felt tears dampening her blindfold as she whimpered. She really wanted to go home.

* * *

Three dark forms skittered quietly into the fringes of Ponyville, their black bodies helping them blend in the darkness. Each was roughly the size of a pony, but covered in a chitinous insect hide, with luminescent green eyes, a set of gossamer wings, and an odd parody of a unicorn's horn protruding from their foreheads.

"Watch were you're go- oof!" One of the trio had stopped in alarm, and been crashed into a second. The two promptly started arguing and wrestling with each other, screeching odd insults at each other in their curious, skittery accent.

"Silence, both of you!" The leader of the pack hissed. He was one of Queen Chrysalis' best, as big and strong as a stallion. Unlike his companions, he was also smarter, or at least he told himself that. Most of the underlings were like that, utterly brainless.

"Leggo my leg!" Squeaked one, who was desperately trying to pull the limb from his companion who had latched his mouth over it.

"Norr gorra leggo till ya ret go o' mah wrings." The other managed through his mouthful of leg, flapping futilely with his wings.

"I said stop!" The leader hissed again, this time looming over the two unfortunate bugs.

"Yes boss Hidecracker!" They replied simultaneously, pulling themselves free of each other, snapping to attention, or at least their closest approximation.

"That's better." Hidecracker sniffed, then turned back to the town.

"More like Buttcracker!" The first giggled under his breath.

"Or Hidecreaky!" The other remarked.

Hidecracker huffed out a long breath and tried focusing on his task, doing his best to ignore the jokesters' jests at his expense. His eyes roved about, watching the darkened town with keen focus. Apparently there was a fire on the west side of the town, and most of the ponies were either indoors or off dealing with the threat. Good, it would make infiltrating the ponies' easier. He turned to-

"Hey Buttsniffer! Your mom was a toad!" One of his companions, an obnoxious little insect named Yellowbelly yelled at the top of his lungs, right into Hidecracker's face. The two clowns fell over laughing, leaving Hidecracker glowing as his temper built.

Bluenose, the second of the jokesters finally managed to stop rolling around laughing long enough to look up at their leader. "Uh boss, you don't look so good."

Gritting his teeth, Hidecracker was practically glowing bright red. Suddenly his temper snapped, and he lunged at the jokers. "I'll kill you!"

Skittering out of his way, the two beat a hasty retreat. "I think ya made him mad!" Bluenose giggled.

"Me!? You're the one who called him Ponybutt!" Yellowbelly countered, barely containing his laughter.

"Ponybutt nothin'! I wasn't th' one who called his momma a toad!"

"So what, she looks like she could be one! Have you seen how bloated she is!?"

"Get back here, both of you!" Hidecracker was tearing after them as fast as his legs would carry him.

"Heehee, yep, we really gone and done it this time!" They laughed gleefully.

* * *

Luna sat up, looking all about her. This place seemed familiar, yet she couldn't quite place her hoof on where she was. Out ahead of her, there was a grassy plain, interspersed with plants and trees of varying types. What had once been neat rows of plowed ground were now overgrown with all a manner of vegetation, and clear, trimmed orchards broken up by strange trees, mixing and mingling with their fruit bearing brethren.

Beyond the unkempt farmlands, a vast body of water stretched for miles, it's surface a black, softly lapping mirror. Yet deep beneath it's ebbing flow, tiny points of light like thousands of stars could be seen, giving the entire lake the appearance of being a piece of the night sky, fallen from the heavens. In the distance, an enormous bridge, fifty paces high, and half as many wide, stood over the lake's surface, chunks of the great stone span were missing where time and tide had consumed the massive supporting pillars or worn away several sections of stone walkway.

Luna's gaze followed the enormous bridge as it stretched for miles out across the Lake of Stars, until her eyes settled on a place that filled the Alicorn Princess with dread. Enormous black spires seemed to thrust from the small island like spears of an advancing army, with windows like dark, soulless eyes staring out at any who dared approach it's gates. Mighty walls surrounded the stronghold, filling any who looked upon them with a sense of foreboding and awe at their great height.

The castle was old, covered in the vines and moss of a thousand years, yet still it stood, as terrible as the days when Luna had seen it for herself. They told her it had once been a place of beauty, the seat of a great unicorn King. Now it was only an empty shell, filled with terrors of a past best left forgotten.

Luna rose apprehensively from her seat in the grassy sward, plodding carefully closer to the water's edge. It had been on these very fields where the last battle of the Dreamless War had been fought. It was here that Everbold, her dear friend, had fallen. She approached the lake's edge, her midnight reflection staring back up at her from the lapping waters.

"Everbold…" She looked into their depths, painful memories flooding into her mind.

"Everbold is gone." Came a new voice, that of an old, weathered pony, yet it's force made Luna tremble. "Now all that you are, all that you hope for, is mine."

Looking up, Luna saw an old gray pony smiling back at her. Terror started welling within her chest. "No, it can't be…"

"Oh, it can, my dear Princess," said the old pony with a pleasant smile, "and I fully intend to finish what I started."

Rising to her hooves, Luna drew up all the courage she could muster, standing her ground before the stallion. "Everbold defeated you and your kind! Equestria is safe! You are dead!" Her voice quavered as she shouted, wanting for all the world to flee.

Shaking his head softly, the old pony smiled. "Yes, your brave Everbold did rid the world of most of us, but he missed me, and he paid for it with his life. Now I am back and nopony, not even a Princess, will be safe from my power."

Even as he spoke, the simple old pony seemed to rise into the air, his visage growing faint as he rose. From over the lake, a great, billowing storm cloud rose, sweeping like a cloak to cover the sky. The grey pony slowly faded, replaced by pale eyes that stared from under the clouds like twin yellow moons, their gaze fixed on Luna. Long tendril-like claws the size of mountains slowly extended from either side of the cloud bank, slowly encompassing the entire valley. Flowing along the hanging edges of the cloak, caught in the swirling dark fog, cutie marks from countless consumed ponies swirled, their talents twisted and torn, feeding the terrible power that flooded from the storm.

The voice of the grey pony now resounded like rolling thunder riding on an evil wind. He began to laugh as the storm, possessed of his darkness, swarmed about Luna, slowly swallowing out every point of light. "Hahahahahaha! Come to me, my little pony! Your powers shall be mine, and the night will be my domain forever!"

"No! It will never be yours! Celestia will never let you win!" Luna cried back, tears of sheer terror streaking her face.

"Simple child, do you think somepony can save you?" The great voice chided her, mirth bubbling from the great, dark form's depths. "Everbold is gone. Your shield has withered, died, and there is nothing left to stop me."

Her mouth agape, Luna wanted with all of her heart to tell him he was wrong, that Everbold would stop him again, but she knew it was a lie. Everbold was gone, and with him, a little piece of Luna had died too. Unable to control her trembling, she dropped to the ground, her head hung in despair.

"Don't be afraid, Luna. I am here."

Looking up through her tears, Luna's eyes opened wide. Before her, facing the rising terror, a simple tan pony stood, the mark of a shield upon his flank. He was neither large nor intimidating, yet his mere presence sent Luna's heart soaring.


The storm's advance suddenly stopped, a shining light cutting through the clouds to surround the two ponies upon the lake's shore. The twin eyes grew wider, fixed upon the earth pony standing between the terror and Luna. "You!"

"You couldn't take my dreams, Greycoat, and I'll never let you take hers!" Everbold shouted. "One day, or a thousand years! It makes no difference, for I have not surrendered to you, and I never will!"

The storm seemed to howl in agony as more beams of light cut through the nightmare. "I will not forget this, Everbold! Some day, I will destroy you, and when I do, all of ponykind will pay for what they did to me!"

"So long as we remain bold, you will never win." Everbold's voice dropped to a whisper. He turned to Luna, who had risen to her hooves once again. "My Luna, look how beautiful you've become."

"My Everbold! How can this be!? You're…" Luna paused, afraid that he might simply disappear if she went any further.

"Dead? No, not really." Everbold replied with a chuckle. "The Dream Taker made one mistake, and that mistake has kept me alive for over a thousand years."

"I don't understand, why didn't you ever wake up then?" Luna couldn't hide her confusion.

"I can't." Everbold turned his gaze from her. "When he tried to consume your dreams and I stood in the way, he tried to destroy me instead."

Luna nodded. She could still remember how the Dream Takers would enter a pony's dreams in the night. Like shadows, they slipped in, bringing fear with them like a blanket of darkness. They would then consume the hopes and dreams of whatever poor victim they had attacked, taking the unfortunate's talents for themselves.

The Dream Takers had grown powerful, living eternally from the stolen dreams, their terrible magic leaving their victims eternally comatose. Even Everbold, the Captain of the Royal Guard, and shield to Princess Luna, had succumbed to their powers.

"As we discovered," Everbold continued, "they must attack anypony guarding the dreams of another first, and he was more than happy to devour mine."

"Then how do you still live? Surely he would have simply stolen your dreams."

Everbold smiled. "He couldn't."

"What!?" Luna exclaimed in surprise. Nopony had ever been able to resist the power of the Dream Takers before.

"You see, for a Dream Taker to consume a pony, they must be able to bring their dreams to ruin." Everbold explained, his voice strong. "When he attacked me, I knew he had come to take your life. It has ever been my dream to protect you, my dear Luna, a dream fulfilled as long as I stopped him."

"He couldn't consume your dream, because he was fulfilling it." Luna looked on in wonder as understanding broke away the barriers in her mind. "You survived, because you were protecting me?"

Everbold nodded. "I swore on that day to watch over you and all of Equestria, and I always will. I love you enough to be a sacrifice, and though it has cost me everything, I am happy."

"But then how are you-" Luna stopped herself as realization struck. Sorrow swept away elation, and she spoke in a small voice as her eyes turned to Everbold again. "This is a dream, isn't it?"

"Yes it is," Everbold said sadly, "and I think somepony is looking for you."

"Luna!" The voice of Princess Celestia seemed to come from afar.

"Wait! How can I find you again!?" Luna's voice filled with sudden desperation. "Please don't leave me!"

"Luna!" Celestia grew louder.

"I'll always be with you, my dear Princess." Everbold answered, even as the world around Luna seemed to fade away. "Dream of me..."

* * *

Princess Celestia cantered down the dark halls towards her little sister, alarm written all over her face. She nudged the smaller blue alicorn, trying to awaken her.

"Luna are you alright!?"

"Sister?" Luna whispered sleepily, looking up at her regal sibling. Looking about herself, she saw the door to the Crypt of Dreams standing over her. "What happened?"

"You overslept." Celestia seemed relieved, seeing Luna awaken. "I had to raise the moon for you. When nopony in the castle grounds knew where you were, I got worried and came looking for you."

"Everbold!" Luna suddenly came alive, springing to her hooves. "I saw Everbold, Tia! He was in my dreams! He's still alive, Tia! He's still alive!"

"Calm down, Luna. Tell me what happened." Celestia asked. It was very unlike her sister to have such wild fantasies. No, something more was going on here, she was sure of it.

"Oh Tia, it was terrible! I saw one of them again! One of them survived!" Overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions raging through her, Luna huddled up to Celestia, fighting back tears.

"It's okay Luna. Tell m who survived." Celestia folded a protective wing around the emotional pony.

"The Dream Takers." Luna whispered.

Celestia's mouth slowly fell open. Tightness filled the Princess' chest, as if claws of fear had gripped her heart. She whispered to her sister, but couldn't stop urgency from bleeding into her voice. "Please, tell me everything."
My first real entry into the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic world.

This is a tale about friendship, love and loss, the tragedies of war, finding new hope, living with people, facing your trials with your head held high, believing in yourself, and finding the true meaning of love.

Please be warned, there is violence, some semi-crude humor (I usually try to keep things light), war, death, and slightly more sensitive topics addressed in this fic. I only recommend it if you're fine with a PG-13 or so rating.

Feel free to comment, point out errors, suggest progression for the story, etc... I love feedback!

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Character References:
Thundercloud: [link]
Boldheart: [link]
Sgt. Ramrod: [link]
Wild Fire: [link]

This fic, all OCs, the songs 'Boys', 'Strangers to Me', and 'The Push-up Song' © :iconardanblade:
My Little Pony and all official characters, locations, etc... © :iconfyre-flye: and Hasbro
© 2012 - 2024 ArdanBlade
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porcuMoose's avatar
LOL, forgot to mention ...
Buttcracker Luuuulz!
Those two changelings reminded me of the hyenas from
the Lion King, I certainly imagined their voices x'D